easyERP is an application made from many modules, each module is designed for a specific division from a company. The program is a client server program, uses an SQL database server (MSSQL or MSDE), simultaneously can work many users. The hardware necessities on the client side are poor. You can specify the documents and reports accessible with an user. The stock management module keep the stock evidence on the acquisition price, payments and incomes are made on invoices respectively receptions. In case you make sales by postal packages the program will generate all the needed documents for the postal agency. Also in this module you can enter the orders from you customers on which the program will generate the invoices with the products that will be sold to the customer. The promotions module are integrated with the stock management module. Their is three types of promotion: quantitative, value and bonuses. The promotion decisions are active in the system form a time period, and the stock management module will automatically suggest you the products, quantities and prices accordingly to the current active promotion..
In this window the user can enter a list with the received merchandise and after pressing the Accept button a document will be listed.
The user can generate a listing with all the input and output operations in a period of time from an inventory. The value of the invetory can be calculated based on received price, selling price or weighted average price.
From the products listing window the user can easyly select a desired product by typing in its name. while te user types in the name the list will be filtered accordingly..
An administrator user can define a list of roles with acces rights to diffrent modules of the application. When a new user is created, a role will be asociated and based on this role it will have acces to diffrent modules of the application.
As in case of Products listing, the client listing window allow to select a client based on selected column text information. By typing in the text used to filter the client list, the content of the window will be refreshed automaticaly and accordingly.
In this report the user can see all operations made by a client in a specified time interval.
In the promotions module the user can define cantitative promotion. When a certain invoice will be generated and a promotion should be applied, the operator will be prompted to apply the promotion.
The operator can generate invoice and list the invoice on a paper. After an invoice was generated, the stock will be updated automaticaly. If a wrong invoice was generated, the invoice can be deleted and the stock will be updated accordingly.
An administrator user can define color schemes and a user can select a such scheme to accommodate the user interface with the desired font and background color.